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Grace Lutheran Church


"Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live, a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.

Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace; here the love of Christ shall end divisions: All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place" (ELW 641)

Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church

Senior Meals

The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Eagle Country provides older adults and people with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities the resources needed to live with dignity and security, and achieve maximum independence and quality of life.


Senior meals are served at Grace Lutheran Church

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

11:45am - 12:30pm



Karen Nelson

Elroy Senior Dining Center Manager


Volunteers Packing Food

Food Pantry

The Elroy Area Food Pantry is an independent organization that was organized by members of the Lutheran, Catholic and Methodist churches in Elroy.


The food pantry operates out of the Grace Lutheran Church. They are open each week on Thursday from 1:00-2:30 pm.  The Elroy Area Food Pantry serves those living in the Royal School District.


As of October 2023, our policy for closing due to weather has changed.  In the past, we have closed when Royall Schools closed because of weather conditions.  This will remain the same.  If Royall Schools are closed because of weather, the Food Pantry will be closed as well.  What has changed is that we will be open Friday - 1:00pm - 2:30pm - if closed on Thursday providing weather conditions have improved.  In the case that Royall Schools remain closed on Friday, there will be NO Food Pantry hours that week.

Grace Lutheran Church

Garage Sale

Grace Lutheran Church runs a Garage Sale throughout the summer. All the items available for sale are donated to the church. The prices are kept low so that those in the community can acquire needed items at a reasonable price. The funds raised from the Garage Sale are used to pay the annual maintenance fees for the elevator in the church building.


Donations to the Garage Sale are taken during the months the garage sale is operating—please do not donate items that you would have to pay to dispose of such as televisions, computers, etc.

Praying Hands

Prayer Chain

Prayer is a ministry available to all regardless of their physical abilities. Members of Grace have formed a Prayer Chain that is available to pray for anyone you wish to have prayers said for. The prayer request is passed from one person to another until there are multiple people praying for the person you requested prayer for on a regular basis. Contact the Church office to have a prayer request added.

Grace Lutheran Church

In-Home Communion

Members of the congregation visit other members of the congregation that are not able to attend worship regularly due to illness or infirmity. These volunteers are trained to bring Communion that has been blessed during a worship service. This ministry gives the homebound an opportunity to maintain their relationship to their church and to receive welcomed visitors to their residence.

Grace Lutheran Church


During the winter months, members of Grace Lutheran Church gather to assembly and tie together quilts. These quilts are either sent to Lutheran World Relief for distribution as needed around the world or kept to be distributed to local fire victims or others in need of special care.


While quilting together the members can share fellowship time together and share a coffee break together. The materials to make the quilts are either donated or purchased as economically as possible by the women’s organization.


Donations of fabric are greatly appreciated; contact the church office if you would like to donate fabric for the quilts.

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