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Grace Lutheran Church


There are lots of ways that adults at Grace can be involved in the ministry of the church.

Currently, there are two active women’s Bible study and ministry groups:


  • The Ruth Circle meets on the first Thursday of the month at 10:00 am. In the church library.

  • The Joy Circle meets on the second Wednesday of each month during the school year at 7:00 pm.  Joy Circle meets at the home of a different member each month; contact the church office for information on the meeting location.


These Circles also make up the Women of the ELCA group within Grace Lutheran Church. Funds raised by the W-ELCA are used to give scholarships to Sugar Creek Bible Camp to youth, support missionaries and other causes, and to make improvements to the church property.

Adults also can serve on the Church Council or on committees and task forces that recommend actions to the Church Council. The Church Council consists of seven members who meet monthly and make decisions about the finances and ministries of the church.


Currently there is a Worship Committee that plans worship services and selects hymns for services. A property committee considers changes to the facility and works to complete projects approved by the Council.


Members of the congregation make a small but mighty choir. The choir is always in search of new members so if you are interested, do not hesitate to let any member of the choir know.

Grace Lutheran Church

Volunteer Work

Ruth & Joy Circles

Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church


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